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xoxo murphy, indy Still cherishing our friendship, missing you as usual today. Peace and Love to All the Hanks and loved ones. Maureen Honey, Austin, TX Marian just talked to Becky, we had such a lovely talk, mostly about you. We miss you so much. Thank you for Dylan, he is such a delight and is so like you. We keep in touch and he has such a lovely girlfriend. He is a hard worker and is doing very well. I know you are watching over him and all of us. Love you so much, dear Marisn, Mom Claire hank, Oak lawn, il. Missing me some Mar today. Tender heart and lots of sweet memories. Love you, Mar. Rebecca, Chico CA Hi everyone we have too good blog on blog.advids.co and You can also see all subject related blogs here. Gene Beason, newyork kiss lbk, down south again, murphy, indy Thinking of you, as I often do and missing your ascerbic wit and generous love. Watched "A Monster Calls" last night and found myself right back to those final moments. Loved you then, love you now. Wish you could meet Sam, you could revel in music together.Dreamed of the Farm last night, and knew you were near. Kathleen Rauth, Indianapolis You are thought of by so many, dear Marian , in the US and Ireland.. I have had so many calls, yo will never be forgotten. The ache will always be there but so will the smiles, when I think of all the fun and loving times we shared. Rest in Peace dear Marian, all my love, Mom Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL. Missing are Marian today. With so much love... Becky Mac, Chico, California Another year rolling on murphy, indy Another birthday without you, dear Marian. You have left us with lots of beautiful memories. The memories are more wonderful every day. Will always miss and love you. I know you are at peace and without pain, there is nothing more I would want for you. All my love, Mom Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL Hi Marian, love you, miss you. Saw Dylan we had a great visit. He looks great, working and going to school. Going to Ireland in a few months. Love forever, Mom Claire hank, Hank Dylan called me two days ago, he is doing so well and is a wonderful young man. We talked for a long time and I was reminding him of our first trip to Ireland. He didn't remember, of course not, he was six months old. You are missed so much and loved so much.. Love you for ever, Mom Claire Hank, Oak Lan, IL Good heavens, what I wouldn't give to speak with you. murphy, indy Marian , you will always be missed with sadness but also with joy, when I think of all the fun things we did, our trips to the stats and also to Ireland. Rest in peace my darling, will always love you, Mm Claire hank, Oak lawn, il Fifteen years! I can't believe it. You are in my heart always. Rosalind Lee, Chicago Marian so sorry I couldn't send you a message on your birthday, didn't have the Internet. You were on my mind on that day as you are everyday.. I love you so much and always will, I still see your smile and hear your laughter. Dylan looks just like you, we had a lovely visit when John, Gloria and the boys came to visit, rest, my love, Mom Hank, Claire Happy birthday, Marian! I miss you so much, words can't even express it. I think of you every day and wish my girls could meet you. I just recently introduced my oldest to Pee Wees Playhouse, and everytime we watch it together, I think of watching it with you. They would adore you, just as I do. I hope you and mom are celebrating somewhere. I hope your laughter is echoing through the skies. Love you always. Eden Lee , Evanston, Il Happy Birthday Love murphy, indy So many moments of late that have brought you to mind. Watching Sam's mom succumb to cancer on Wednesday reminded me so strongly of your final days..which thankfully were more peaceful I believe. Of course being St. Patrick's Day I can't help but think of my favorite Irish girl. Still miss you all these years later and find myself wanting to talk with you and have a good laugh. Love to you always Kathleen Rauth, Indianapolis Marian I am sitting here thinking of you and how much I loved and love you.I think about you every day and think how much I miss you. Our phpne calls our visits and our trips. I have wonderful memories which help so much. God be with you my love, Mom. claire hank, oak lawn, Il Marian I am sitting here thinking of you and how much I loved and love you.I think about you every day and think how much I miss you. Our phpne calls our visits and our trips. I have wonderful memories which help so much. God be with you my love, Mom. claire hank, oak lawn, Il Had to say good-bye to Ringo today murphy, indy Sorry, dear heart, I was unable to sign into your website on Oct. 1st. You were in my thoughts as you are every day. I miss you so much. I had some wonderful thoughts of our trips to Ireland, once by ourselves and another time with Dylan, when he was 6 month old. These memories keep me going. I will love you always, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il. Miss ya Sis. Can't believe it's been 14 years. Love you always. John Hank, Alpine, California Fourteen years, is that possible? murphy, indy Hey Hank, murphy, indy Dearest Marian another year has come for your 52nd birthday,. You are still missed so much and still loved so much. You will always be in my heart, your loving Mom. Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL Happy Birthday, Love. murphy, indy Wishing you birthday love tomorrow Marian! I am always amazed at how you lived your life so fully in such a short amount of time. You are still in my heart. And if Marian were here she would remind all women to get an annual gynecological exam! Maureen Honey, Austin, TX Think of you every day, miss you every day. Love you so much claire hank, oak lawn, il. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al7nsDjUXeM gpw, still in muncie Beautiful Buff passed away yesterday. murphy, indy Saw your brightness on FB last week... murphy, indy Marian, you are always here with me, the ache will not go away. You are missed and loved, mom Claire hank, Oak lawn,il Happy Birthday my dear friend. Think of you so, so often. They finally built a fence between the Farm and the parking lot! After both our times sadly. Life had brought many changes to me. Moving to Indy in a couple of weeks to start a new life with Sam, and will raise a pint to you with Lisa when I get settled. Love you always. kathleen, chicago Miss you so much, so often. murphy, indy HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARIAN, MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU, MOM claire hank, Oak Lawn, IL kiss noise murphy, indy Hey Marian........I finally got on facebook in May. Gathering old friends one by one is a wonderful blessing to me. I reconnected with Becky McIntyre Senoglu, we have been writing Marian......I thought of you and asked Becky where you were. She told me you were in heaven. And have been there quite a while. I remember that big ole smile Marian and your sweet and loving ways. I am glad I found you again. I am glad I can write to your sweet spirit. You touched so many Marian. Peace you wonderful soul. Carla Carla Ingle, Clearwater, Florida Marian I am back in business,I finally got an iPad to send email, it took me awhile to catch on. There is not a day that goes by that you are not thought about and in my heart. Miss you so very much and I know I always will. Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il. Twelve years today. Seems like yesterday. I think of you often and miss you always. Ric Lee, Chicago Marian don't know where the past twelve years have gone, it seems you were just with us. There is still an ache in my heart that will never go away. Aunt Dolly is now with you, looking forward to seeing you and all our loved ones. You are forever loved, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il. Been missing you a lot lately. I got married to a very funny man who i think you would like very much. Wished you were there. Sadie was my flower girl and wouldn't let me put her down. She walked down the aisle with dad and I and her teddy bear that she won't let go of. You two would get along swimmingly. We sit under your tree by Imaginary often and I tell her stories about watching Purple Rain and eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches with you. Love you and miss you everyday! Eden Lee, Evanston, IL Got the news today that Dolly passed away this morning. Keep an eye out for her. Love the thought of you, your dad and Dolly reunited. Sending you all my love. Thanks for introducing her to me. Kathleen Rauth, Chicago Dear Mar, Rebecca, Chico, CA Happy 50th Marian! You are still part of my life; in my heart and in my thoughts. Ric Lee, Chicago Thinking of you all this month. We used to celebrate our birthdays together, and this was 50..hard to imagine. Happy Birthday in the spirit world my friend, we miss you here on terra firma. Love you always Kathleen Rauth, Chicago Happy Birthday, dear Marian. I miss you so much every day you are in my thoughts. Love you forever, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Happy Birthday my wonderful Marian. Had a bad dream ast night except that you appeared at the end of it telling me not to worry. So I didn't and I won't. You always are there when I need you. I love you so very much!! Buff Lee, Chicago Marian, just want you to know I love you, miss you so very, very much. mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Marian, yesterday was Thanksgiving, you were so much in my thoughts. I was so grateful and thankful for having you for 38 wonderful years. You will always be in my heart. Love you always, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Dear Marian, I am a list sister who never got the chance to know you but read some of your lovely tributes and see that you are missed and were deeply loved. It is the best testament of a good life. I hope that your family is well and that all that you shared continues to feed them for decades to come. Thinking of you today. ZP, California another year has gone, it seems just like yesterday. You are still missed so much love you for ever, mom claire hank, oak lawn, illinois Here it is 8/17/2012. How has it gone by so fast? And yet, you are always here in my heart, guiding me through the stupid stuff and hugging me through the good stuff. Like Miss Sadie, my first grandchild. Her eyes are like yours - she sees straight to the heart of everything. I miss you so very much, but I'll dream of you if you dream of me, okay? Say hi to Annie for me. And Jimmy. And Sherman. And your dad. And so many others who have passed on. I know you're teaching them all comedy-improv claases. And doing an excellent job of it. I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH!! Buff Lee, Chicago Hi sweet Marian. Eden had a baby girl whose name is Sadie Elizabeth on 6/21/12. I wish you could see her and hold her. I love you and miss you so very much! Buff Lee, Chicago Happy birthday, dearest Marian. Ric, Chicago Happy Birthday, dear Mar. Still miss you and love you. Becky mac, Chico, CA Happy Birthday dear Marian, you are in my heart and thoughts daily , I love you so much ,Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Freudian Slip which he would have loved. SHOEMAKER not "showmaker" - for us who worked with him, he was both! Buff Lee, Chicago, IL Sherman Showmaker died Christmas Eve 2011, I hope he is hugging you and giggling with you now. I miss you both so very much!! Buff Lee, Chicago, IL Marian another Christmas without you. you are missed and loved, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il. I miss you like crazy, but just when I think I can't stand it - there you are in my dreams. Happy Halloween, dear lady Buff Lee, Chicago, IL ah Hank ~ ten years indeed murphy, indy Ten years. Hard to fathom. Miss you still - love you always. Ric, Chicago I cant believe that it has been 10 years since you left us, Marian, I miss you so much. You touched so many people in your short life. Love you so much, Mom Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL Wrote this 2 days after you moved on..finally think I can share it: Kathleen, Chicago Time stands still,passing sr.Malo, Marian's Farm Thinking of you so much today. Missing you keenly.... Kathleen Rauth, Chicago I was in shock when I found this web site, at first I couldn't believe it was really her, then I recognized her beautiful smile. We weren't aware of Marian's Passing. Kirk and Laura (Lomec) Bergmark, Orland Park, Illinois Just started reading ENDER'S GAME by Orson Scott Card and it mae me recall how much you loved this author and his books. Your name is already on every page. I love you and I feel you in my life always. Buff Lee, Chicago, IL Oh Mar....been thinking about you so much. You're in my heart and in my dreams and always will be. I pray by now that Annie has found you. I believe she has and can feel her being welcomed by you and my older sister, Molly, and so many others. You are the guide, though. You are certainly still mine. I miss you so, but *know* you are out there always. Buff Lee, Chicago, IL I knew Marian when we were in high school. She was one of my best friends at that time. Today I found out about her death. My heart is profoundly sad. Maureen Mehigan, Washington, DC Happy birthday, Marian. Today would have been 48. You are still beloved and far, far away from forgotten. Ric, Chicago Kiss noise. murphy, indy Dear Marian, Happy Birthday. You are so so missed, will love you always, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Happy Birthday Mar! Kathleen, Chicago Went by the house today. Thought of all the beautiful years we had together and how I tried to keep your legacy alive on the Farm. Can't do it now, but of course you are always alive in me my dear friend. Every time May rolls around and I celebrate my birthday I think of all the times we celebrated together because our births were so close together. I miss you as always and am so blessed to have had you as a friend. I always think of you laughing and smiling and will lift a glass to you on the 19th. All my love, Kathleen Kathleen Rauth, Chicago marian, i miss you, and send you all my love, warrem warren leming, chicago Loving you so much! Got an email from Howard Johnson today. You are missed and loved and I still feel you in my life. Hope you find Annie whereever you are :) Buff Lee, Chicago, IL kiss noise murphy, indy Marian, so many people have called me today, they will never forget you. You know how much I miss you, love you forever, Mom Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL Buff Lee, Chicago, IL My sister, Annie, died on 5/4/10. I can only hope the two of you have found each other. The vision of you two together is such a balm for me. I love you so! Buff Lee, Chicago, IL Another year has passed and a new year is here. Another birthday missed as you are dear Marian. I will never stop loving you. I know you and Bridget and Fr. Mike were there to greet Aunt Sheilamae. Love you always,Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Merry Christmas Marian. As I start a new phase in my life, I think of you often. I miss your inspirational wisdom. Your optimistic spirit always had a way to fire up my creativity! It would be wonderful if we could compare snapshots of kids, and argue politics, ...while having an endless cup of your favorite coffee. Tyler Haines, Leesburg, IN Marian thank you for giving us Dylan. It's hard to believe he is 21. I hope to see him sometime this month. Donna is setting it up. Love you. miss you, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Woke up today missing you, Mar, but also strangely light of heart and uplifted, in a spiritual way. Maybe thinking of you did that. I remember the morning I heard the news. When the sun came up, I was in my room crying and blasting Sting singing "Brand New Day." It still makes me think of you... Rebecca Senoglu, Chico, California Marian: Ric Lee, Chicago Somewhere murphy, indy Marian, it's 8 years, but it only seems like yesterday. I miss you so much. I have seen Dylan twice in the last month and I know you are so proud of him. He is a wonderful young man and know's what he wants. He is going to make a great chef. I was so thrilled and happy to see him. I know you and Fr. Mike are looking down on all of us. I will love you forever, Mom claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL I just plain miss you. Jenn, Chicago, IL KissNoise! murphy, indy Missing today, Mar. My taurean sista, my friend in the lyrical mode. I remember our last conversation, a day or two before you died, you in some other state just listing in long lists all the people you love. I say it in the present tense. The love is still here. Becky Mac, Chico, California Happy Birthday, Marian! Jenn Sedik, Chicago Happy Birthday in Heaven, Marian, I will love you for ever, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il. Missing you tonight Mar. There is an explosion of old faces happening on Facebook, and every one makes me think of you. Maybe I'll get lucky tonight Becky Mac, Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 04:40:59 (CST) Marian, know how happy you must be to have your dad, fr. mike and cousin, marian with you. i love you and miss you so, mom claire hank, oak lawn, il I'll miss you tonight, as I do every night, but I know you're here always. Jenn, Chicago Hey sweet Mare: Wish you could see your hunky son! You'd be so proud :) Buff Lee, Chicago, IL Miss you dearly, think of you everyday. Love you. Eden Lee, Chicago, IL Loved you then Ric Lee, Chicago, IL On my way to lunch today I spotted a campaign sign which read "Hank [for your] Country" - just wanted to say "Kiss noise" to you. murphy, indy Hi Marian, Uncle Pat and I just got in from church. We went to Mass for your anniversary. I know by now you have met Fr. Mike and you have hugged. I can just imagine the great chat that is going on between the two of you. I miss you so much, dearest, but know you and Fr. Mike will look after all those who love you and whom you loved here on earth. Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il. What a remarkable friend you were. What I remember most was your generosity. You hooked me, Greg and Bart up with a stay at your Dad's so we could go to URTAs and grad school. I got into grad school, got a job and now 26 years later still work in the theatre. So you are in some way responsible for helping yet another person. Sweet dreams dear friend and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. Phil Johnson, Corpus Christi, TX I had the amazing ride of enjoying Miss Marian onstage and off at Ball State University Theatre for several blessed years. She had the uncanny ability to reach across boundaries and get to your essence with little effort and no resistance. She defined sultry, smooth, moxie. She was warm and loving and one of the most talented actresses I've ever had the pleasure of working/playing with. So strong, so sensational, so spectacularly, uniquely her own self. I adored you then, and as these fresh tears attest, even now, some twenty-seven years since THE DRUNKARD in our little Studio Theatre...May God rest you and bless you and yours. Till we meet... J.R. Stuart, New Albany, Indiana I feel as if I have a softball in my throat. I just discovered this through a friend on Facebook. Sandy Dunn, Muncie, IN Had yet another dream of you when I needed your love desperatly...and there you were, answering me in my dreams! Dylan is gorgeous and a wondrous man! Saw Murphy at Jenn's wedding and recalled us lying on either side of you during your last few days on this planet. You said "Beautiful Lisa!" and "Beautiful Buff!" and we each said "Beautiful Marian!"and you were and still are. I love you so! Buff Lee, Chicago Happy Birthday, Marian. Miss you terribly. Ric Lee, Chicago, IL Happy Birthday, dear Marian. Miss you and love you, Mom claire hank, oak lawn, IL another christmas has gone and you are missed as much as ever. love you marian mom claire hank, oak lawn, il Marian, finally my webtv gave out after all these years. I found a friend to install my new machine. You are truly missed but remembered. I especially remembered you on the first of October. The years are going so fast but it seems like yesterday you were with us. Love you so much, Mom Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL I have thought of you so many times over the years. I still remember the day lkm called to tell me...to tell me you were gone. I have missed you...still miss you. greg, Rochester I'm certain you were chatting with St Peter when your Dad arrived. I'm certain your eyes were bright and your arms were wide. Bless you both -- always remembered and always loved. murphy, indy Marian, your Dad left us this morning. I know you are both together. Love you for ever, claire hank, oak lawn, il I was going through some boxes this past weekend and came across some achieves of my Ball State Theater day in the early 80's. I decided to google some of my co stars during those days. I sadly came across Marian’s site. I am so saddened to hear of her passing. We appeared together in "Suddenly Last Summer" at the Studio Theater. Marian was Catherine and I played her brother, George. What an honor it was to appear in a production with her so early in my Ball State Theater career. She was such a talented actress. I always admired her talent. Rob Loy, Tampa, FL I am so sorry to hear of Marian's passing. I hadn't visited her site in a long time and that is such shame. She was a great lady who EMailed me from the Televines and got me signed up on her website. Rest in Peace, Dear Marian. Hank Lewis, Houston, TX I thought about you a lot this weekend, Marian. I seemed to hear an inordinately large amount of Grateful Dead, Stevie Wonder and Prince... Jenn Lee, Chicago, IL Happy birthday, Marian. You are always with me. Ric Lee, Chicago, IL Happy Birthday, dear Marian. You will always be 38. Miss you and love you. Dylan is graduating from high school, can you imagine? claire hank, oak lawn, IL Marian, you will never leave us. You were so loved Mom claire hank, oak lawn, IL
Just got a call from Eden who left you a note a moment ago. We miss you so much, but know you are with us always. It makes me feel so lucky to know my children have you with them, too, and still look to you for the inspiration, comfort, and wonderful love you always had at the ready. Buff Lee, Chicago, IL I watched Elvira (in the spirit of halloween) the other night. I couldn't even pay attention to the movie because I was thinking of how many times you, Jennie and I used to watch it together. Luckily, I still know every line. :) Eden , Tuesday, October 24, 2006 at 16:46:40 (CDT) Hiya Hank, murphy, indy Marian: Ric Lee, Chicago It's been five years, I Will never stop missing you. Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, IL Think of you every day. Miss you and love you claire hank , Oak Lawn, IL Thanks being part of the fire that keeps me going. murphy, indy You've been around these past days, Mar. Always love it when I see you in my dreams. And this weekend I pulled out the cd Ric made with the Fairy Song and all those other great songs on it. Hadn't listened to it for years, but boy did it make me remember you. Remembered sitting up late in old and cold houses in downtown Muncie. Listening to Judy Garland and the Boomtown Rats. Swanky, Erte, the lyric mode, shakespeare, mac and cheese with tuna and peas, always lots and lots of coffee. Becky Mac, Chico, California Marian and I were good friends in junior high but lost touch as our interests diverged as we approached adulthood at McAuley. Her beautiful spark and zest for life is what comes to mind as I remember her. Patricia Costello, pacostello@usfca.edu, San Francisco, CA Happy Birthday Marian. Ric Lee, Chicago, IL Happy Birthday, Marian. Love you and miss you. claire hank, oak lawn I miss you so very much! Buff Lee, Evanston, IL Everything I've read here speaks of spirituality in the broadest sense and has uplifted me in a time of stress. My Partners Mum is still in regress from cancer after a single breast removal. Peace to all in Marians memory. And so a quote - I guess - is appropriate. Barry, Wakefield England Marian, you are missed so much. It's the fourth christmas without you. Love you, claire hank, oak lawn, il. Happy birthday, Marian, my wonderful friend. Whenever I need you, there you are in my head and in my heart. Bless you. Buff Lee, Evanston, IL Hiya Hank, murphy, indy Happy Birthday, Marian. Love you so much, clairehank@webtv.net, Oak Lawn, IL Oh, how I miss you. Loved the desert in California. You were with us. Love you. claire hank, oak lawn, il Good to read Josh's post. I remember Dealer's Choice so well and was glad to have been able to help with it. Buff Lee, Anaheim, CA In the mid-eighties, Marian directed a play called "Dealer's Choice" that I was fortunate enough to be in. Marian charmed me instantly with her infectious energy and enthusiasm, her smile, her wittiness, her unerring instincts, her beauty. She remained a good friend until I left Chicago in 1990, and spoke to her only occasionally after that. News of her passing hit hard, even after all these years, and my life is the lesser for lack of her. Josh Mandel, Albany, NY I just read a fanfiction about one of my favorite bands and one of the characters in it was suffering from cancer. Another character brought them bandanas, and it reminded me of when I let you have my hat up on Dolly's roof, the Union Jack hat, because the summer sun was too much for you. Nadia, Chicago, IL I talked to Dylan last night. His voice is so deep now, so grown-up. He's going to come over soon and see my new apartment and we're going to play Nintendo...just like old times. Jenn, Chicago I will always, always love you and miss you Mom claire hank, oak lawn, il I still see you in that space between awake and asleep. I hope I always do.
Ric, Evanston Stand with me Marian. Stand with me. lbk, Friday, October 01, 2004 at 09:49:24 (CDT) It's difficult to believe that it's been three years. murphy, indy Marian, every day you are in my heart, claire hank, oak lawn, il I think I felt you there a few nights ago, when Mo came over and Dylan and Chico and Eric and Kathy and I had something of a little party. I hope you were there. Chico and Mo sang and I couldn't do anything but think of you. Miss you lots. Nadia, Chicago, IL Happy birthday, Marian! I miss you!! Jenn Lee, Chicago Happy birthday, Marian. Thinking of you always. Ric Lee, Chicago happy birthday, sweetheart, I love you, mom claire hank, oak lawn, il I told Marian she was like a cousin to me. When she asked not like a sister, I explained my cousins were closer in belief systems than my sisters were to me.
Maureen, C'ville PA Marian, Maureen, C'ville PA Marian, STEVE DORFMAN, Friday, March 05, 2004 at 16:42:11 (CST) Marian I don't know where the last two years have gone. It just seems like yesterday that you were with us. I think of you so much and I will always be in awe of the courage you displayed. Dylan called me this evening. I know you are watching over him. Will always love you. Mom claire hank, chicago Maaaaaaaaaar....ian Jenn Lee, Wheeling, IL Oh my, Ms. Marian! You have been visiting me a lot in my dreams this last year - always when I need it the most, there you are. Thank you for still being there for me! Buff Lee, Wheeling, IL Mar my love, There isn't a day that passes that you don't cross my mind in some way. Everyone keeps asking us how we are going to memorialize this day-but every day is in remembrance of you and all the love you gave. The best tribute I can give to you is to live my life to its fullest, the way you always pushed us all to do. Thanks for all that you gave, and continue to give through your friends and loved ones. Kathleen Rauth, Chicago Thinking of you every day but especially today. It has been two years since you passed. I miss you very much. I carry you with me always. Ric Lee, Chicago, IL While looking for a phone number the other day I came across your name and number still there in my address book. I still find it hard to believe you wouldn't be there to answer if I dialed up. Miss you very much, girlfriend...Peace, Linda Linda Berris, Chicago, Illinois I was thinking about you and wanted to send to by warmest thoughts. steve dorfman, chicago Happy Mothers Day, Marian. Dylan called me today. He is graduating on June 3rd and will be going to High School at Parker. He sounded great. I had a great time at John and Gloria's. John, Joshua and I went to the Grand Caynon. It was awsome. I love you, I miss you, Mom Claire Hank, Oak Lawn, Ill. My sister Maura and I were discussing an acquaintance of hers who had just died. We wondered what you do when you get to Heaven. And our thoughts turned to our cousin Marian, and what she's doing. Shannon O'Hara, Chicago, IL I lost another friend to cancer yesterday. Marian, of course, came to mind. I miss her and feel her spirit and see her beautiful smile frequently. Maura O'Hara, Chicago Marian, today I logged on to ETOP and read your listsisters stories. Some are in treatment and fighting. Some are in remission and worring if it is coming back and some have finished the race. A lot have finished the race. Tomorrow I am going to light a purple candle for you. I am so glad you gave me WEB TV because I can talk to you. I will always love you and I miss you. It was so good to be with the "imaginery landscape" wonderful people at Aunt Dolly's. Dylan is with your darlng brother and having a great time. My love my darling, Mom Claire, Oal Lawn love you,miss you. Think about you every day.know youre watching all of us from heaven. john hank, santee,ca Thank You Hank_a_doodle murphy, ravenswood I can't believe it's been an entire year. We all love you and miss you so much. Ric Lee, Chicago I can't count the times the image of your face and smile have come into my mind. My life is better for having known you. Eileen Shannon, Durango, CO I knew Marian through EOTP website for women with gynecological cancer. Marian was an inspiration to all of us. She always had a time for a kind word. Teresa Cruse, Reno, Nevada I knew Marian for EOTP and she was a wonderful inspiration to all her list sister's Barbera T Myers, Poughkeepsie, New York Love & Peace. Mary Pool , Portland, Oregon Fullfill your journey.......... Iris Elaine Bowker, Anahuac, Texas We "knew" one another through Eyes on the Prize.org. Your joie de vivre shines brilliantly through all the pictures in your photo album. You gave so much to so many. You lived your life so courageously. You are loved and missed. Rest in abiding peace, dear Marian. Marion Chernoff, NJ I only knew Marian from her participation in the gyn-cancer site at www.eyesontheprize.org. This is a lovely site and it is so nice to learn more about her and see her pictures. Patricia, Vermont I just now found the following in an email Marian sent me almost exactly a year ago. Oh Hankoriffic, I miss you mightily! Buff Lee, Wheeling, IL "I BELIEVE IN IMAGINARY PEOPLE"==ANN Chico again, Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 14:37:23 (CST) "Stare deep into the world before you as if it were the void:innumerable holy ghosts,buddhies and savior gods there hide,smiling.All the atoms emitting light inside wavehood,there is no personal seperation of any of it.A hummingbird can come into a house and a hawk will not:so rest and be assured.While looking for the light,you may suddenly be devoured by the darkness and find the true light."Jack Kerouac-Scripture of the Golden Eternity#22 Chico, Chicago May the road rise to meet you Claire Hank, Oak Lawm Peace...... Robert G. Biddle, Chicago Elena Welch, Guernevillle, CA Rest in peace and keep on rockin'. Kim Imberger, Chicago, IL "Here comes the sun...And I say, it's alright..." Nadia Trousdale, Chicago, IL "During your life, everything you do and everyone you meet rubs off in some way. Some bit of everything IL Sign the Guest Book |